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First things first…

Filing a lawsuit is easy.

Winning takes Knowledge.

Therefore, if you have not already taken and passed the How to Win in Court Course now is the right time.

You can get your How to Win in Court Course today at https://fraudstoppers.org/education


In addition to the How to Win in Court Course, we also recommend:


Attorney Services are available in most major Cities to FILE & SERVE Your Documents. The cost is typically around $100.00, and they ensure that proper filing and service has been completed.


Here are a few recommendations for APPEARANCE ATTORNEYS:


Required Documents for Typical Filing Civil Cases

A.) Civil Cover Sheet-Where applicable. (Some courts do not require a Civil Cover Sheet and some courts require for you to obtain this document from the Clerk of the Court. In this case you will need to obtain your Civil Cover Sheet from the Clerk of the Court). This document is available on the Local Court’s Website for Your Jurisdiction.

B.) Summons-Where applicable. (Some courts require for you to use their Summons. In this case you will need to obtain your Summons from the Clerk of the Court, at the time of filing your complaint). This document is available on the Local Court’s Website for Your Jurisdiction.

Make sure the documents are proofread in their entirety and represents the true facts of the case. The documents are provided in word format so you can edit them yourself, if needed.

Just as a matter of policy we are able to make corrections / updates to the Audit Reports and do so with great detail. If you need corrections made to your documents, please email us the changes you need made and we will do our best to make the required changes in a timely manner.

  1. Sign and date the Complaint. (Have notarized if required by your state. If notary is required there will be a notary area at the bottom of your Complaint).
  2. Make a copy of the Complaint for your files.
  3. Take your Cover Sheet, Complaint, and Summons to your Clerk of Court.
  4. Tell the Clerk you would like to file a Civil Lawsuit.
  5. After Clerk files your lawsuit. Ask her/him to “issue your Summons.
  6. You will need to have an “issued” Original Summons, stamped by the Clerk of the Court, for each Defendant in your case.
  7. After your lawsuit is filed with the Clerk, you will need to serve a copy of everything filed to each defendant, by Process Server.


Required Documents needed to serve your Lawsuit

A.) Every document used to file your lawsuit. (i.e. Cover Sheet, Complaint).

B.) Original and one copy of your Summons “issued” by the Clerk of the Court.

C.) Letter to the party serving your lawsuit. (i.e. Sheriff’s Department or Process Server).

D.) Money order to the party serving your lawsuit.

E.) Self-Addressed/ stamped envelope

Here is a nationwide process server: https://nationwideprocess.com/


1.) Make a copy of your Original Summons “issued” by the Clerk of the Court.

2.) Sign the letter to the party serving your lawsuit.

3.) Place the Letter, Original Summons, Copy of the Summons, Complaint, and self- addressed/stamped envelope in an envelope.

4.) Mail the documents, by Certified Mail, to the address on the top of the service letter. (i.e., Process Server).


The party serving your lawsuit will return the Original Summons and an Affidavit of Service to you in the self-addressed/stamped envelope once the lawsuit has been served.


The Original Summons and Affidavit of Service will need to be filed with the Clerk of the Court. This is how the Court is advised that you have served your lawsuit on the Defendant.




This information was copied from Wikipedia general information on filing a lawsuit. This is not to be construed as legal advice.




You can get instant affordable access to a licensed attorney in your state for unlimited phone consultation, advice, and support, for less than a $1.00 a day at https://fraudstoppers.wearelegalshield.com/


Your legal forms were designed by leading foreclosure defense attorneys and are designed to cover most if not all potential issues. They are sold like the Legal Zoom model. However, as a matter of law, the Legal Forms are sold as Legal Forms (i.e. “as is”] and thus almost any questions you may have would be legal questions in nature. The legal forms you have purchased are not a substitute for the legal advice of an attorney.


After reading your forms, we highly suggest that you (and or your attorney) review the material to ensure it conforms to your local rules of court and add specific facts that you have knowledge of that may be outside the scope of the audit but are pertinent to your case that you (and or your attorney) think is needed.


PRO SE Litigation is your constitutional right if you can’t afford an Attorney.


If you are filing Pro Se (without legal representation) you need to understand the complex nature of a legal proceeding and be able to understand line for line what you are filing, arguing, etc….and therefore we recommend that you get the help of an attorney on these matters.


If you want to speak with a law firm, we work with, schedule an appointment at https://forms.aweber.com/form/09/654440109.htm



We hope these resources help you in your legal endeavors.

If you need additional help contact us!

Until then, we look forward to your victory!



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Fraud Stoppers How to Win in Court


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