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Ex-Banking Insider Reveals Secrets to Loan Modifications.

Nationwide, the approval rate for people that apply for home loan restructuring programs on their own, without the help of an expert like Fraud Stoppers and its partners is less than 5%. One of the main reasons for this staggeringly low success rate is that more often than not homeowners are forced to “Prove” their case over and over again by supplying evidence to back up their statements of fact. These seemingly endless requests for proof, otherwise known as “Conditions” make becoming approved, a war of wills rather than wits.

The Human Touch cannot be overlooked. Our affiliated Law Firms and Fulfillment Centers know how to communicate the nuances of each case to its audience so it’s received well and in the best possible light. You’ve undoubtedly been on the receiving end of a conversation with a stressed out individual before. Not too pleasant is it? Now imagine what the people who work for these banks have to deal with ALL DAY, every day. We hear over and over again from the employees of these institutions what a pleasure it is to work with our team because we know what they want, why they want it and we give them the ability to do their jobs without hassle or stress.

Fraud Stoppers’ process (just like your situation) is absolutely unique because we’ve put together a multistage, flexible work-flow that calls on a myriad of banking, real estate, non-profit housing advisers and legal experts every step of the way; all of whom are doing what they’re best at.

Our “Dream Team” if you will, is comprised of real estate and mortgage industry experts as well as a legal network which offers each of the homeowners we’re working with the best possible representation options. As soon as you give us the “Green Light” we’ll arrange for a Homeowner Modification Evaluation (“H.O.M.E.”) Report, Mortgage Fraud Analysis, and Property Valuation Report to be completed on your particular situation, loan and property. Over the years we’ve identified this as the most critical step in initially setting up your case; this is one of the big things that sets us apart because we take the time and do the work to become experts on your situation, your loan and your property.

Mortgage Fraud Analysis and Securitization check give us a detailed investigation into your specific loan and what, if any mistakes and/or purposeful misrepresentations were made by your lender.

The HOME Report comes complete with a pre-qualification decision based on all available programs that can be presented to the bank with your application. The Property Valuation Report gives all parties a better understanding as to what the current market value of the home is which is vital information to have, especially if and when you find yourself negotiating any kind of Principal Balance Forbearance or loan Forgiveness.

Among other things, this Due Diligence will take the guess work out of figuring out EXACTLY what type of assistance you qualify for, it will show us exactly who currently OWNS your note which is who the ultimate decision maker is with regard to any restructuring decisions and you won’t be at your lender or their servicer’s mercy when it comes to deciding what the property everyone is fighting over is actually worth. This is all extremely helpful information for everyone to know PRIOR to submitting your request for a workout or filing suit.

Once all of the reports are in hand, the findings will be reviewed with you and if you choose to hire an expert for help; that service provider will review your case with you and confirm your acceptance as a new client. On the heels of that call they’ll assign a case supervisor to work with you throughout the rest of the process.

You’re likely feeling relieved on one hand to have someone who knows what they’re talking about in your corner and anxious on the other hand because this whole situation is stressful and can be overwhelming. By now most potential clients fully understand the importance of gathering as much evidence as possible as well as the advantage of having our affiliated service providers represent them that specializes in this particular area of practice of law. At this stage, the predominant thought is usually that “this all makes perfect sense” and “I’d like to move forward as long as it’s affordable…”

As you can probably imagine, being a nationwide advocacy group that deals in this distressed real estate arena we talk to people all day long who are stuck, who need help, but who can’t afford outrageous service fees, and we do our best to help everyone we can.

You Can Take Advantage of Mortgage & Foreclosure Fraud

And Make The Banks Pay You to Go Away!

For information on foreclosure defense call us at 773-877-3655. We offer litigation support, admissible evidence, expert witness testimony, education, training, and support in all 50 states to attorneys and pro se homeowners.

Fraud Stoppers

Legal Information Is Not Legal Advice: This site provides “information” about the law and is only designed to help users safely cope with their own legal needs. But legal information is not the same as legal advice — the application of law to an individual’s specific circumstances. THIS SITE IS NOT INTENDED TO BE MISCONSTRUED AS LEGAL ADVICE. Fraud Stoppers is NOT a law firm, non-profit organization, or government agency.


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