Effective Strategies for Fraud Stoppers Foreclosure Defense and Quiet Title Lawsuits by FRAUD STOPPERS https://fraudstoppers.org/wp-content/uploads/Effective-Strategies-for-Fraud-Stoppers-Foreclosure-Defense-and-Quiet-Title-Lawsuits.mp3 Effective Strategies for Fraud...
Unveiling the Misuse of Nonjudicial Foreclosure: Seeking Realignment of Parties to Challenge Allegations and Protect Homeowners with FRAUD STOPPERS’ Guidance and Support The article discusses the issue of converting from nonjudicial to judicial foreclosure and...
Webinar on How to Research Your Judge (with an eye to determining if he or she is accepting bribes) to take place on November 3 at 2 pm Central. I am keeping this at a low fee of $30 so all who wish to may join. To register please contact me via FB or at...
Revealed–The Inside Scoop. F.A.C.E.U.S. (Families Against Court Embezzlement Unethical Standards) Call the show at 7:55 pm your time to this number 845-241-9962 press a one. If you have friends that want to call in and listen or have a question or a comment, they call...
FRAUD STOPPERS Empowers Homeowners Facing Foreclosure with Comprehensive Mortgage Audits and Legal Support For homeowners looking for foreclosure defense the New York State Senate has passed a foreclosure abuse prevention bill aimed at addressing manipulative tactics...